var FILE_VERSION = '0000.0010.0017'; String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace ( /(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '' ); } var COOKIE_DOMAIN = null; var DIALOG_URL = '..\\webiq\\question.html'; var COOKIE_ERROR_MODIFIER = 0x1000; var ERROR_BASE = 0x80040000; var ERROR_CAME_FROM_GOOGLE_ADWORDS_LINK = ERROR_BASE + 1; var ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_COOKIE = ERROR_BASE + 2; var ERROR_COOKIE_COULD_NOT_WRITE_COOKIE = ERROR_BASE + COOKIE_ERROR_MODIFIER + 1; var ERROR_COOKIE_NO_COOKIE_PRESENT = ERROR_BASE + COOKIE_ERROR_MODIFIER + 3; var ERROR_COOKIE_SPECIFIED_COOKIE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = ERROR_BASE + COOKIE_ERROR_MODIFIER + 2; var ERROR_COULD_NOT_LOAD_WEB_BEACON = ERROR_BASE + 14; var ERROR_INACTIVE_PROJECT = ERROR_BASE + 3; var ERROR_INVALID_BROWSER = ERROR_BASE + 4; var ERROR_INVALID_DIRECTORY = ERROR_BASE + 5; var ERROR_INVALID_LAUNCH_DEFINITION_INDEX = ERROR_BASE + 6; var ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = ERROR_BASE + 7; var ERROR_INVALID_USER_RESPONSE = ERROR_BASE + 8; var ERROR_INVALID_WEBIQ_DIALOG = ERROR_BASE + 9; var ERROR_OK = 0; var ERROR_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED = ERROR_BASE + 13; var ERROR_USER_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_INVITED = ERROR_BASE + 10; var ERROR_USER_NOT_SELECTED = ERROR_BASE + 11; var ERROR_WEBIQ_SERVER_IS_INACCESSIBLE = ERROR_BASE + 12; var GOOGLE_ADWORDS_SEARCH_EXPRESSION = 'referrer(%3D|\=)Google'; var INVITATION_DISPLAY_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'InvitationDisplayed'; var INVITATION_DISPLAY_SESSION_COOKIE_VALUE = 'true'; var INVITATION_EVENT_BEGINNING = 1; var INVITATION_EVENT_CANCELING_INVITATION = 2; var INVITATION_EVENT_FINISHED_PREQUALIFICATION = 3; var INVITATION_EVENT_FINISHED_RENDERING_DIALOG = 4; var INVITATION_EVENT_USER_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED = 5; var INVITATION_EVENT_USER_RESPONSE_DECLINED = 6; var PROJECT_STATE = 'In Progress'; var SIZE_MODIFIER = 10; var TEST_COOKIE_NAME = 'TestCookieName'; var TEST_COOKIE_VALUE = 'TestCookieValue'; var USER_RESPONSE_COOKIE_LIFESPAN = 90; var USER_RESPONSE_COOKIE_NAME = 'UserResponse'; var WEB_BEACON_BASE_URL = 'http:\/\/TODO_ReplaceThis\/LegacyWebIQInvitationCounter\/WebBeacon.aspx'; var WEB_BEACON_IMAGE_LOADING_TIMEOUT = 500; var WEB_BEACON_MAXIMUM_IMAGE_ID = 4; var WEBIQ_DIALOG_BORDER_STYLE = '1px solid black'; var WEBIQ_DIALOG_VERTICAL_OFFSET = 50; var WEBIQ_IFRAME_SOURCE = ''; var WEBIQ_LAUNCH_URL = 'http:\/\/\/webiq\/webiqlaunch.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ShowInvitation&LDI={0}&SV=1'; var g_bIsWebIQServerAvailable = true; var g_bRecordInvitationEvents = false; var g_dInvitationInitiationTime = new Date(); var g_nWebBeaconImageID = 1; function UserSettings(oWindow) { this.BrowserLanguage = ''; this.InternetExplorerVersion = ''; this.MaskingAsIE = false; this.IsAOL = false; this.ScreenHeight = 0; this.ScreenWidth = 0; this.SystemLanguage = ''; this.WindowsVersion = ''; var sUserAgent = null; var sWindowsVersion = null; var vMatches = null; try { if (isValidObject(oWindow)) { if (!isNaN(oWindow.screen.width)) { this.ScreenWidth = oWindow.screen.width; } if (!isNaN(oWindow.screen.height)) { this.ScreenHeight = oWindow.screen.height; } sUserAgent = oWindow.navigator.userAgent; if (isValidString(sUserAgent)) { vMatches = sUserAgent.match(/MSIE ([\.\w]+);?/i); if ( (vMatches != null) && (vMatches.length > 0) ) { this.InternetExplorerVersion = vMatches[1]; vMatches = sUserAgent.match(/Opera/i); if (vMatches != null && vMatches.length > 0) { this.MaskingAsIE = true; } } vMatches = sUserAgent.match(/AOL/i); if ( (vMatches != null) && (vMatches.length > 0) ) { this.IsAOL = true; } vMatches = sUserAgent.match(/(Windows|Win) ?([\.\w ]+);?/i); if ( (vMatches != null) && (vMatches.length > 0) ) { sWindowsVersion = vMatches[2]; sWindowsVersion = sWindowsVersion.replace ( /NT 5.0/i, '2000' ); sWindowsVersion = sWindowsVersion.replace ( /NT 5.1/i, 'XP' ); sWindowsVersion = sWindowsVersion.replace ( /NT 5.2/i, 'Server 2003' ); sWindowsVersion = sWindowsVersion.replace ( /NT 6.0/i, 'Longhorn' ); sWindowsVersion = sWindowsVersion.replace ( /32/i, '95' ); if ( (sWindowsVersion == 'XP') && (sUserAgent.indexOf('SV1') > -1) ) { sWindowsVersion += 'SP2'; } this.WindowsVersion = sWindowsVersion; } } if (isValidString(oWindow.navigator.browserLanguage)) { this.BrowserLanguage = oWindow.navigator.browserLanguage; } if (isValidString(oWindow.navigator.systemLanguage)) { this.SystemLanguage = oWindow.navigator.systemLanguage; } } } catch (oException) { alert(oException.message); } return; } function isValidObject(oVariable) { var bIsValidObject = false; try { if ( (oVariable != null) && (typeof(oVariable) == 'object') ) { bIsValidObject = true; } } catch (oException) { } return bIsValidObject; } function isValidString(sVariable) { var bIsValidString = false; try { if ( (sVariable != null) && (typeof(sVariable) == 'string') && (sVariable.trim().length > 0) ) { bIsValidString = true; } } catch (oException) { } return bIsValidString; } function loadImage ( sURL, nTimeoutValue ) { var bExceededTimeout = false; var oImage = null; var dStartTime = new Date(); try { if (!isValidString(sURL)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 'The URL input parameter is invalid.' ); } if ( (isNaN(nTimeoutValue)) || (nTimeoutValue < 1) ) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 'The timeout input parameter is invalid.' ); } oImage = new Image(); oImage.src = sURL; sleep(nTimeoutValue / 5); oImage.src = sURL; while (oImage.readyState != 'complete') { if (new Date() >= new Date(dStartTime.valueOf() + nTimeoutValue)) { bExceededTimeout = true; break; } sleep ( Math.ceil ( nTimeoutValue / 10 ) ); } if ( (bExceededTimeout) || (oImage.readyState != 'complete') ) { throw new Error ( ERROR_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED, 'The loading of the image timed out.' ); } } catch (oException) { oImage = null; } return oImage; } function sleep ( nDelay ) { var dStartTime = new Date(); while (new Date() <= new Date(dStartTime.valueOf() + nDelay)) { } return; } function cookieExists(sName) { var bCookieExists = false; try { if (!isValidString(sName)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 'The name input parameter is invalid.' ); } if (getCookieValue(sName) != null) { bCookieExists = true; } } catch (oException) { bCookieExists = false; } return bCookieExists; } function deleteCookie(sName) { var bSuccessful = false; var dExpirationDate = new Date(); try { if (!isValidString(sName)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 'The name input parameter is invalid.' ); } if (!cookieExists(sName)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_COOKIE_SPECIFIED_COOKIE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, 'A cookie with the given name could not be found.' ); } dExpirationDate.setTime(dExpirationDate.getTime() - 1); document.cookie = sName + '=; expires=' + dExpirationDate.toGMTString(); bSuccessful = true; } catch (oException) { bSuccessful = false; } return bSuccessful; } function getCookieValue(sName) { var sCookie = ''; var sCookieValue = null; var oRegularExpression = null; var sPattern = ''; var vMatches = null; try { if (!isValidString(sName)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 'The name input parameter is invalid.' ); } sPattern = '(' + sName.trim() + '=)([^;]*);?'; oRegularExpression = new RegExp ( sPattern, 'ig' ); sCookie = document.cookie; if (!isValidString(sCookie)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_COOKIE_NO_COOKIE_PRESENT, 'The document.cookie property does not contain any data.' ); } vMatches = sCookie.match(oRegularExpression); if (vMatches != null) { sCookieValue = unescape(RegExp.$2); } else { throw new Error ( ERROR_COOKIE_SPECIFIED_COOKIE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, 'A cookie with the given name could not be found.' ); } } catch (oException) { sCookieValue = null; } return sCookieValue; } function writeCookie ( sName, sValue, nLifeSpan, sPath, sDomain, bSecure ) { var bSuccessful = false; var dExpirationDate = new Date(); var sCookieData = ''; var sDomainSection = ''; var sExpirationSection = ''; var sPathSection = ''; var sSecureSection = ''; try { if (!isValidString(sName)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 'The name input parameter is invalid.' ); } if (nLifeSpan > 0) { dExpirationDate.setHours(dExpirationDate.getHours() + nLifeSpan); sExpirationSection = '; expires=' + dExpirationDate.toGMTString(); } if (isValidString(sDomain)) { sDomainSection = '; domain=' + sDomain.trim(); } if (isValidString(sPath)) { sPathSection = '; path=' + sPath.trim(); } if (bSecure) { sSecureSection = '; secure'; } sCookieData += sName.trim() + '=' + escape(sValue.trim()) + sExpirationSection + sPathSection + sDomainSection + sSecureSection; document.cookie = sCookieData; if (getCookieValue(sName) != sValue) { throw new Error ( ERROR_COOKIE_COULD_NOT_WRITE_COOKIE, 'An error occurred while trying to write the given cookie.' ); } bSuccessful = true; } catch (oException) { bSuccessful = false; } return bSuccessful; } function cameFromGoogleAdWords(sSearchExpression) { var bCameFromGoogleAdWord = false; var oRegularExpression = null; var sQueryString = ''; try { if (!isValidString(sSearchExpression)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 'The search expression input parameter is invalid.' ); } sQueryString =; if (isValidString(sQueryString)) { oRegularExpression = new RegExp ( sSearchExpression, 'i' ); if (sQueryString.match(oRegularExpression) != null) { bCameFromGoogleAdWord = true; } } } catch (oException) { bCameFromGoogleAdWord = false; } return bCameFromGoogleAdWord; } function canCreateAndAccessCookies() { var bCanCreateAndAccessCookies = false; var bResult = false; try { bResult = writeCookie ( TEST_COOKIE_NAME, TEST_COOKIE_VALUE, 0, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN ); if (bResult) { if (getCookieValue(TEST_COOKIE_NAME) == TEST_COOKIE_VALUE) { bCanCreateAndAccessCookies = true; } } } catch (oException) { bCanCreateAndAccessCookies = false; } return bCanCreateAndAccessCookies; } function closeWebIQInvitationDialog() { var oWebIQInvitationDialog = getWebIQInvitationDialog(); if (isValidObject(oWebIQInvitationDialog)) { = 'none'; } return; } function createWebIQInvitationDialog ( nLaunchDefinitionIndex, nWidth, nHeight ) { var bUseIFrame = false; var oWebIQInvitationDialog = null; try { if ( (getWebIQInvitationDialog() == null) || (getWebIQInvitationDialog().tagName.toLowerCase() != 'div') ) { document.write(WEBIQ_IFRAME_SOURCE); bUseIFrame = true; } oWebIQInvitationDialog = getWebIQInvitationDialog(); if (!isValidObject(oWebIQInvitationDialog)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_WEBIQ_DIALOG, 'The reference to the WebIQ Invitation Dialog is invalid.' ); } nHeight += SIZE_MODIFIER; = WEBIQ_DIALOG_BORDER_STYLE; = nWidth; = nHeight; = ((document.body.clientWidth - nWidth) / 2); = document.body.scrollTop + WEBIQ_DIALOG_VERTICAL_OFFSET; = '0px'; = '0px'; /* = 'hidden'; = 'hidden'; = 'hidden'; */ if (bUseIFrame) { oWebIQInvitationDialog.src = DIALOG_URL + '?LDI=' + nLaunchDefinitionIndex.toString() + '&IIT=' + g_dInvitationInitiationTime.valueOf().toString(); } else { populateWebIQInvitationDialogContents ( oWebIQInvitationDialog, nLaunchDefinitionIndex ); } = 'visible'; if (g_bRecordInvitationEvents) { recordInvitationEvent ( nLaunchDefinitionIndex, INVITATION_EVENT_FINISHED_RENDERING_DIALOG ); } } catch (oException) { oWebIQInvitationDialog = null; } return oWebIQInvitationDialog; } function findElement(sElementID) { var oElement = null; try { if (!isValidString(sElementID)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, 'The element ID input parameter is invalid.' ); } oElement = document.getElementById(sElementID); if (!isValidObject(oElement)) { if (window.frames.length > 0) { for (var nFrameCounter = 0; nFrameCounter < window.frames.length; nFrameCounter++) { oElement = window.frames[nFrameCounter].document.getElementById(sElementID); if (isValidObject(oElement)) { break; } } } else { oElement =; } } } catch (oException) { oElement = null; } return oElement; } function getWebIQInvitationDialog() { var oWebIQInvitationDialog = null; try { oWebIQInvitationDialog = findElement('oWebIQInvitationDialog'); if ( (oWebIQInvitationDialog.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'iframe') && (oWebIQInvitationDialog.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'div') ) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_WEBIQ_DIALOG, 'The reference to the WebIQ Invitation Dialog is invalid.' ); } } catch (oException) { oWebIQInvitationDialog = null; } return oWebIQInvitationDialog; } function inviteUserToBeginWebIQ ( nSelectionProbability, nLaunchDefinitionIndex, nDialogWidth, nDialogHeight ) { var bSuccess = false; var oWebIQInvitationDialog = null; try { if (getCookieValue(INVITATION_DISPLAY_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME + nLaunchDefinitionIndex.toString()) != null) { throw new Error ( ERROR_USER_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_INVITED, 'The user has already been invited to participate in the WebIQ study.' ); } if (g_bRecordInvitationEvents) { recordInvitationEvent ( nLaunchDefinitionIndex, INVITATION_EVENT_BEGINNING ); } bResult = writeCookie ( INVITATION_DISPLAY_SESSION_COOKIE_NAME + nLaunchDefinitionIndex.toString(), INVITATION_DISPLAY_SESSION_COOKIE_VALUE, null, '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN ); if (cameFromGoogleAdWords(GOOGLE_ADWORDS_SEARCH_EXPRESSION)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_CAME_FROM_GOOGLE_ADWORDS_LINK, 'The user appears to have reached the site via a Google AdWords link.' ); } if (!isActiveProject()) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INACTIVE_PROJECT, 'The WebIQ study is no longer accepting new sessions.' ); } if (!isSelected(nSelectionProbability)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_USER_NOT_SELECTED, 'The user was not randomly selected to participate in the WebIQ study.' ); } if (!meetsWebIQSystemRequirements()) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_BROWSER, 'The user\'s browser does not support the WebIQ client.' ); } if (!canCreateAndAccessCookies()) { throw new Error ( ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_COOKIE, 'An error occurred in writing a cookie for the user\'s browser.' ); } if (getCookieValue(USER_RESPONSE_COOKIE_NAME) != null) { throw new Error ( ERROR_USER_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_INVITED, 'The user has already been invited to participate in the WebIQ study.' ); } if (g_bRecordInvitationEvents) { recordInvitationEvent ( nLaunchDefinitionIndex, INVITATION_EVENT_FINISHED_PREQUALIFICATION ); } createWebIQInvitationDialog ( nLaunchDefinitionIndex, nDialogWidth, nDialogHeight ); } catch (oException) { if ( (oException.number != ERROR_USER_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_INVITED) && (g_bRecordInvitationEvents) ) { recordInvitationEvent ( nLaunchDefinitionIndex, INVITATION_EVENT_CANCELING_INVITATION ); } oWebIQInvitationDialog = getWebIQInvitationDialog(); if (isValidObject(oWebIQInvitationDialog)) { = 'none'; } bSuccess = false; } return bSuccess; } function isActiveProject() { var bIsActive = false; try { if (PROJECT_STATE.toLowerCase() == 'in progress') { bIsActive = true; } } catch (oException) { bIsActive = false; } return bIsActive; } function isSelected(nSelectionProbability) { var bIsSelected = false; try { if ( ( Math.floor ( Math.random() * nSelectionProbability ) ) == 0 ) { bIsSelected = true; } } catch (oException) { bIsSelected = false; } return bIsSelected; } function meetsWebIQSystemRequirements() { var bMeetsWebIQSystemRequirements = false; var oUserSettings = null; try { oUserSettings = new UserSettings(window); if ( ( (oUserSettings.WindowsVersion == '95') || (oUserSettings.WindowsVersion == '98') || (oUserSettings.WindowsVersion.toLowerCase() == 'me') || (oUserSettings.WindowsVersion == '2000') || (oUserSettings.WindowsVersion == 'Server 2003') || (oUserSettings.WindowsVersion.toLowerCase() == 'xp') || (oUserSettings.WindowsVersion.toLowerCase() == 'xpsp2') ) && (parseFloat(oUserSettings.InternetExplorerVersion) > 5.1) && !oUserSettings.MaskingAsIE ) { bMeetsWebIQSystemRequirements = true; } } catch (oException) { bMeetsWebIQSystemRequirements = false; } return bMeetsWebIQSystemRequirements; } function openSupportWindow ( sProjectName ) { ( 'http:\/\/\/support.asp?pid=' + sProjectName, '_blank', 'top=100, left=100, height=480, width=500, status=yes, toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no', true ); return; } function processUserResponse ( sUserResponse ) { var bResult = false; var nLaunchDefinitionIndex = 0; var sLaunchURL = null; var sQueryString = ''; try { sQueryString =; nLaunchDefinitionIndex = parseInt(sQueryString.match(/LDI=(\d+)/i)[1]); if (sQueryString.match(/IIT=(\d+)/i) != null) { g_dInvitationInitiationTime = new Date(parseInt(sQueryString.match(/IIT=(\d+)/i)[1])); } if ( (isNaN(nLaunchDefinitionIndex)) || (nLaunchDefinitionIndex < 1) ) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_LAUNCH_DEFINITION_INDEX, 'The launch definition index is invalid.' ); } if (!isValidString(sUserResponse)) { throw new Error ( ERROR_INVALID_USER_RESPONSE, 'The user\'s response is invalid.' ); } if (!g_bIsWebIQServerAvailable) { throw new Error ( ERROR_WEBIQ_SERVER_IS_INACCESSIBLE, 'The WebIQ server is inaccessible.' ); } bResult = writeCookie ( USER_RESPONSE_COOKIE_NAME, sUserResponse, (USER_RESPONSE_COOKIE_LIFESPAN * 24), '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN ); closeWebIQInvitationDialog(); if (sUserResponse.toLowerCase() == 'accept') { if (g_bRecordInvitationEvents) { recordInvitationEvent ( nLaunchDefinitionIndex, INVITATION_EVENT_USER_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED ); } sLaunchURL = WEBIQ_LAUNCH_URL.replace ( /\{0\}/, nLaunchDefinitionIndex.toString() ); = sLaunchURL; } else { if (g_bRecordInvitationEvents) { recordInvitationEvent ( nLaunchDefinitionIndex, INVITATION_EVENT_USER_RESPONSE_DECLINED ); } } } catch (oException) { closeWebIQInvitationDialog(); } return; } function recordInvitationEvent ( nLDI, nEventID ) { var oWebBeacon = null; var nRandomNumber = -1; var sURL = ''; if (g_bRecordInvitationEvents) { try { for (var nImageID = g_nWebBeaconImageID; nImageID <= WEB_BEACON_MAXIMUM_IMAGE_ID; nImageID++) { nRandomNumber = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000000) + 1; sURL = WEB_BEACON_BASE_URL + '?RN=' + nRandomNumber.toString() + '&LDI=' + nLDI.toString() + '&EI=' + nEventID.toString() + '&MS=' + g_dInvitationInitiationTime.valueOf().toString() + '&II=' + nImageID.toString(); oWebBeacon = loadImage ( sURL, WEB_BEACON_IMAGE_LOADING_TIMEOUT ); if (oWebBeacon != null) { g_nWebBeaconImageID = nImageID; break; } } if (oWebBeacon != null) { if ( (!isValidObject(oWebBeacon)) || (oWebBeacon.width < 1) || (oWebBeacon.height < 1) ) { throw new Error ( ERROR_COULD_NOT_LOAD_WEB_BEACON, 'An error occurred loading the web beacon.' ); } } } catch (oException) { g_bRecordInvitationEvents = false; } } return; } function updateServerAvailabilityFlag() { g_bIsWebIQServerAvailable = false; return; }