Il contesto storico e culturale
AA.VV.: La disgregazione dell’Ancien Regime (Electa, 1987)
G. Rudé: L’Europa del Settecento (Laterza, 1974)
S. Vajda: Storia dell’Austria (Bompiani, 1985)
F. Valjavec: L’Illuminismo (Il Mulino, 1961)

La musica del Settecento
AA.VV.: L’età dell’Illuminismo (New Oxford History of Music; Feltrinelli, 1976)
A. Einstein: Mozart (New York, 1945)
D. Heartz: Haydn, Mozart and the Viennese School 1740-1780 (Londra/New York, 1994)
G. Pestelli: L’età di Mozart e Beethoven (Storia della Musica EDT, 1977)
H. C. Robbins Landon: Studies in Eighteenth-Century Music (New York, 1970)
Ch. Rosen: Lo stile classico (Feltrinelli, 1971)
H. Smither: A History of Oratorio (Oxford, 1987)
F. Tammaro: La sinfonia classica (Mursia, 1996)

Franz Joseph Haydn
AA.VV.: International Haydn Conference 1975 (Haydn Studies, 1981)
AA.VV.: Haydn e il suo tempo (Atti dell’Acc. Mus. Chigiana, 1979)
H.C. Robbins Landon e D. Wyn Jones: Haydn, vita e opere (Rusconi, 1988)
D. Bartha e L. Somfai: Haydn als Opernkapellmeister (Budapest, 1960)
R. Barrett-Ayres: Haydn and the String Quartet (Londra/New York, 1974)
A. P. Brown: Haydn’s Chaos. Creation and Style (Indiana, 1986)
Joseph Haydn Keyboard Music (Indiana, 1986)
G. Carpani: Le Haydine (Milano, 1813)
J. Drury: Haydn’s Seven Last Words (Univ. Of Illinois, 1975)
K.Geiringer: Joseph Haydn (Schott, 1959)
J. C. Graue: Haydn and the London Pianoforte school (Haydn Studies, 1981)
R. Hugues: Haydn (Londra, 1974)
J. Hurwitz: Haydn and the Freemasons (Haydn Yearbook XVI, 1986)
H. Keller: The great Haydn Quartets: their interpretation (Londra e New York, 1986)
R. G. Pauly: The Reform of Church Music under Joseph II (Musical Quarterly 43, 1957)
E. Olleson: The origin and libretto of Haydn’s Creation (Haydn Yearbook 4, 1968)
J. A. Rice: Sarti’s “Giulio Sabino”, Haydn’s “Armida” and the arrival of opera seria at Esterhàza (Haydn Yearbook XV, 1985)
H. C. Robbins Landon: The Symphonies of Joseph Haydn (Londra, 1955)
Haydn’s Marionette Operas (Haydn Yearbook 1,1962)
Die Klaviertrios von Joseph Haydn (Vienna, 1970)
H. E. Jacob: Joseph Haydn (Monaco, 1952)
C. Jesse Runestad: Haydn’s Masses (1975)
D. Johnson: 1794/95: Decisive years in Beethoven’s early development (Beethoven Studies 3,1982)
N. Temperley: Haydn: The Creation (Cambridge University Press, 1991)
R. L. Todd. Joseph Haydn and the Sturm und Drang. A Revaluation (Music Review 41, 1980)